Faith. Family. Future.

Our Mission
In the presence of God, St. Michael’s School provides a nurturing environment, academic excellence and spiritual growth in order to prepare children to live wisely and serve faithfully.
Our Vision
St. Michael’s School will be the school of academic choice, regardless of background. We seek to provide a quality education through an innovative and creative culture of learning.
By teaching to each student, we grow children into adults who are leaders. We foster a joyful and open learning environment where family is embraced and parents are as much a part of the “school family” as the students.
Class size is balanced for best academic and social success. We strengthen our financial sustainability through tuition, parish subsidy, fundraising and major gifts.
Our focus on faith shapes a moral culture for the betterment of all humankind.

Our Philosophy
St. Michael’s School Community believes that the presence of God inspires spiritual growth and directs the words and actions of all who are part of that community.
St. Michael’s school Community is committed to providing for the academic excellence of students and teaches those strategies that equip them to be life-long learners.
St. Michael’s School Community is respectful of the various faith traditions within the student body by modeling and encouraging open, friendly, and loving communication among students and their families.
St. Michael’s School Community accepts the challenge of its mission to live wisely and serve faithfully.
Religious Education
"The philosophy of Catholic education is based upon the Catholic view of the purpose of human life: that man was created by God to share in His life and goodness, which begins now in this world and is fully realized in heaven.
Education should open to the child this mystery of salvation, developing a faith-consciousness of God the Father that leads to worship and a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through the message of the Gospel of Christ, and affirming the Gospel hope, that they may live in Christian fellowship with the fellowman and be inspired to learn the skills to be of service in
the world today.
The purpose of St. Michael’s School is to provide the learning situation in which these objectives can be realized, so that the child may develop the spiritual, moral , intellectual, cultural and physical values and qualities of responsible freedom and creativeness, so they will be able to fulfill the part in life to which God calls them."
— Sister Baptiste LaCoursiere