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Faith. Family. Future.

Campaign Progress

Our total raised is $2,736,189.29 in pledges and gifts.

 A total of 315 households have given to our Faith Family Future Campaign!

We are at 91% of our $3,000,000 goal.

$8,686 is the average dollar gift per donor, but every gift, no matter it's size is significant to God, and to our campaign. 

We have received $1,872,577.64 in gifts and payments towards pledges.

To God Be The Glory!

Honorary Burses

Paul and Bernie Ahmann Burse
Bisek Family Burse
Mary Ann Dentz Burse
Sister Rosella Dentz Burse
Theresa Houdek Burse
Jirik Family Burse
David Jirik/Knights of Columbus#2573
Robert and Mary Jirik Burse
Jane Kozitka Burse
Fr. Rick Lambert Burse
Rita LaVoi Burse
McNamee Family Burse
Schlick Family Burse
Bill Jirik and Arlene Schoenborn Burse
Altha and Sonny Spaeth Burse
Diane Spaeth Burse
Rosella Spaeth Burse
Charles Stolka Burse
Fr. Dave Super Burse
Vipond Family Burse
Zimmerman Family Burse

Way to Give

Ways to Give



Pledges to the St. Michael’s School Faith Family Future Endowment, can be made spanning from 12-60 months. These promises can be paid monthly or quarterly with reminders sent at your requested interval. Pledges can be paid using a check, credit card, direct debit or cash. Online Giving is also available for one-time gifts and recurring gifts at the intervals you choose directly from your bank account. Click the "Donate Now" button to gift online.

IRA, Stocks & Bonds

IRA, Stocks and Bonds are a fantastic way to donate. By making a gift of appreciated securities, you may avoid paying capital gains tax. If you are over 70 ½ years old, you may also be eligible to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD gift, from your IRA assets of up to $100,000 per year with no tax complications. These types of gifts must be transferred directly and count towards your minimum required distribution.

Farm Assets

Gifts of grain, soybeans, farm equipment, and real estate are welcome and provide farmers specific tax advantages.

Wills & Bequests

Providing for St. Michael’s School in your will can have significant
federal and estate tax advantages.


For additional information please contact Tina
Penner (Development Director) at 218-902-0611.

Honorariums or Memorial

Gifts can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Named burses will be held within the endowment and may continue to receive contributions in memory.

One-Time Gifts

One-time gifts can be made using check, credit card, direct debit, or cash. Always consult your tax advisor for possible tax benefits.

Enriching the lives of our children depends on the generosity of our donors.

Thank you for taking the time to pray and consider a gift to our Campaign. If you are unable to support us at this time, we would greatly appreciate your prayers for the success of our Campaign and forthe continued ministry of St. Michael’s School to our students, their families and the Mahnomen Community.

Campaign Meetings

In May of 2023, part of our campaign process was campaign information meetings held for St. Michael's and St. Joseph's Parishes. 

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